Variant Search

Variants with the frequency Ancestral variants (RSRS50*) In haplogroups
≥ 80%
≥ 50%
≥: %
any frequency
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         L      M      N      Summary
Or by top level haplotypes
All top level haplogroups
 L:  L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
 M:  C D E G M Q Z
 N:  A B F H HV I J
  K N O P R S T
  U V W X Y

* RSRS50 ancestral SNPs are spread throughout the human mtDNA tree. These ancestral variants, the "RSRS50", are: 73G, 146C, 152C, 195C, 247A, 263G, 750G, 769A, 825A, 1018A, 1438G, 2706G, 2758A, 2885C, 3594T, 4104G, 4312T, 4769G, 7028T, 7146G, 7256T, 7521A, 8468T, 8655T, 8701G, 8860G, 9540C, 10398G, 10664T, 10688A, 10810C, 10873C, 10915C, 11719A, 11914A, 12705T, 13105G, 13276G, 13506T, 13650T, 14766T, 15326G, 16129A, 16187T, 16189C, 16223T, 16230G, 16278T, 16311C, 16519C. The twelve most widespread across all lineages are shown in bold. Please click the link here for the distribution of the most frequent variants and the link here for the simple top level tree.