MITOMAP References for 7471 C-A

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1 23463613 2013 Tang, S., Wang, J., Zhang, W., Li, F., Landsverk, M., Cui, H., Truong, C., Wang, G., Li, C., Graham, B., Scaglia, F., Schmitt, E. S., Craigen, W. J., Wong, L. C. (2013) Transition to next generation analysis of the whole mitochondrial genome: a summary of molecular defects Human Mutation . 34 (6): 882-893 Most reported SNVs are not found in the body of the paper itself but are listed in the supplemental information as Unclassified Variants.
2 31965079 2020 Wong, L. C., Chen, T., Wang, J., Tang, S., Schmitt, E. S., Landsverk, M., Li, F., Wang, Y., Zhang, S., Zhang, V. W., Craigen, W. J. (2020) Interpretation of mitochondrial tRNA variants Genetics in Medicine 22 (5): 917-926; Suppl Table 1 .