MITOMAP References for Variant T10003C at 10003

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Index PMID Date Reference
1 25615420 2015 Liu, H., Li, R., Li, W., Wang, M., Ji, J., Zheng, J., Mao, Z., Mo, J. Q., Jiang, P., Lu, J., Guan, M. X. (2015) Maternally inherited diabetes is associated with a homoplasmic T10003C mutation in the mitochondrial tRNA(Gly) gene Mitochondrion . 21 (): 49-57 .
2 26134044 2015 Li, W., Wen, C., Li, W., Wang, H., Guan, X., Zhang, W., Ye, W., Lu, J. (2015) The tRNA(Gly) T10003C mutation in mitochondrial haplogroup M11b in a Chinese family with diabetes decreases the steady-state level of tRNA(Gly), increases aberrant reactive oxygen species production, and reduces mitochondrial membrane potential Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry 408 (1-2): 171-179 .
3 27544295 2016 Xue, L., Wang, M., Li, H., Wang, H., Jiang, F., Hou, L., Geng, J., Lin, Z., Peng, Y., Zhou, H., Yu, H., Jiang, P., Mo, J. Q., Guan, M. X. (2016) Mitochondrial tRNA mutations in 2070 Chinese Han subjects with hypertension Mitochondrion . 30 (): 208-21 .
4 31965079 2020 Wong, L. C., Chen, T., Wang, J., Tang, S., Schmitt, E. S., Landsverk, M., Li, F., Wang, Y., Zhang, S., Zhang, V. W., Craigen, W. J. (2020) Interpretation of mitochondrial tRNA variants Genetics in Medicine 22 (5): 917-926; Suppl Table 1 .
5 32169613 2020 Zheng, J., Bai, X., Xiao, Y., Ji, Y., Meng, F., Aishanjiang, M., Gao, Y., Wang, H., Fu, Y., Guan, M. X. (2020) Mitochondrial tRNA mutations in 887 Chinese subjects with hearing loss Mitochondrion . 52 (): 163-172 .