MITOMAP References for 1536 A-G

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1 9384601 1998 Sternberg, D., Danan, C., Lombes, A., Laforet, P., Girodon, E., Goossens, M., Amselem, S. (1998) Exhaustive scanning approach to screen all the mitochondrial tRNA genes for mutations and its application to the investigation of 35 independent patients with mitochondrial disorders Human Molecular Genetics . 7 (1): 33-42 .
2 15382008 2004 Achilli, A., Rengo, C., Magri, C., Battaglia, V., Olivieri, A., Scozzari, R., Cruciani, F., Zeviani, M., Briem, E., Carelli, V., Moral, P., Dugoujon, J. M., Roostalu, U., Loogvali, E. L., Kivisild, T., Bandelt, H. J., Richards, M., Villems, R., Santachiara-Benerecetti, A. S., Semino, O., Torroni, A. (2004) The molecular dissection of mtDNA haplogroup H confirms that the Franco-Cantabrian glacial refuge was a major source for the European gene pool American Journal of Human Genetics . 75 (5): 910-918 .
3 NA 2014 van Oven, M., Kayser, M. (2014) . . Variants appear in tree, sequence(s) available. Phylotree (Build 16): 19 Feb .
4 31152278 2020 Kytovuori, L., Junttila, J., Huikuri, H., Keinanen-Kiukaanniemi, S., Majamaa, K., Martikainen, M. H. (2020) Mitochondrial DNA variation in sudden cardiac death: a population-based study International Journal of Legal Medicine . 134 (1): 39-44 .