MITOMAP References for mtDNA Deletion: 7841:13905 -6063 D, 6/8 7842-7849/13905-13912 136

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Index PMID Date Reference
1 1383757 1992 Wei, Y. H. (1992) Mitochondrial DNA alterations as ageing-associated molecular events Mutation Research . 275 (40608): 145-155 .
2 1627156 1992 Yen, T. C., Pang, C. Y., Hsieh, R. H., Su, C. H., King, K. L., Wei, Y. H. (1992) Age-dependent 6kb deletion in human liver mitochondrial DNA Biochemistry International . 26 (3): 457-468 .
3 8005516 1994 Yen, T.C., King, K.L., Lee, H.C., Yeh, S.H., Wei, Y.H. (1994) Age-dependent increase of mitochondrial DNA deletions together with lipid peroxides and superoxide dismutase in human liver mitochondria Free Radical Biology and Medicine . 16 (2): 207-214 .
4 8061617 1994 Hsieh, R.H., Hou, J.H., Hsu, H.S., Wei, Y.H. (1994) Age-dependent respiratory function decline and DNA deletions in human muscle mitochondria Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International (Sydney) . 32 (6): 1009-1022 .