MITOMAP References for Somatic Polymorphism T-A at 12344

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Index PMID Date Reference
1 11606403 2001 Parrella, P., Xiao, Y., Fliss, M., Sanchez-Cespedes, M., Mazzarelli, P., Rinaldi, M., Nicol, T., Gabrielson, E., Cuomo, C., Cohen, D., Pandit, S., Spencer, M., Rabitti, C., Fazio, V. M., Sidransky, D. (2001) Detection of mitochondrial DNA mutations in primary breast cancer and fine-needle aspirates Cancer Research . 61 (20): 7623-7626 .
2 16892079 2006 Brandon, M., Baldi, P., Wallace, D. C. (2006) Mitochondrial mutations in cancer Oncogene . 25 (34): 4647-4662 .