Index | PMID | Date | Reference |
1 | NA | 2014 | van Oven, M., Kayser, M. (2014) . . Variants appear in tree, sequence(s) available. Phylotree (Build 16): 19 Feb . |
2 | 24467713 | 2014 | Summerer, M., Horst, J., Erhart, G., Weissensteiner, H., Schonherr, S., Pacher, D., Forer, L., Horst, D., Manhart, A., Horst, B., Sanguansermsri, T., Kloss-Brandstatter, A. (2014) Large-scale mitochondrial DNA analysis in Southeast Asia reveals evolutionary effects of cultural isolation in the multi-ethnic population of Myanmar BMC Evolutionary Biology . 14 (): 184-192 . |