Posting Content to MITOWEB

  • Registered users are encouraged to post research related content to MITOWIKI.
  • Use the links below as a reference posting content in the wiki environment (i.e. Foswiki) used by MITOWeb.
  • You can experiment in the Sandbox section.

Creating a Page

Method 1

  • From the left side of the page, click on MITOWIKI. This will put you into a place that allows pages to be created by registered users.
  • A 'New MITOWIKI Page' button is displayed on the page.
  • Enter a wiki word for the name of the new page and click the button.

Method 2

  • First, navigate to the page that you want to be the parent for the page you are about to create. For example, you want to add a new lab protocol that will have a link from the homepage of MITOWIKI, so you go to WebHome.
  • Note the URL of the parent page. In our example, it is However, the wiki recognizes this page as just MITOWIKI.WebHome.
  • Edit the parent page, placing a link to the new page that does not yet exist. For our example, you'd add the link [[MITOWIKI.MyNewProtocol][My New Lab Protocol]] into the WebHome page and save the change.
  • Once the page is saved, you'll see a question mark next to the link, indicating that the link points to a non-existent page. Click on the question mark and the page will be created.

Method 3

  • Simply type the URL for the new page into your browser. Using the Method 1 example, you'd enter
  • The wiki software will then ask if you want to create the page.

Formatting and Linking

Nearly all of what you need to know is in this cheatsheet. Links are created using brackets with the target on the left and the displayed text on the right:

[[MITOWIKI.MyPage][My Page]]

Deleting/Renaming/Moving a Page

  • Click on 'More topic actions'.
  • Choose the recommended action under Delete or Rename/Move.


Attaching files to a page allows you to insert pictures or create links to a file. Simply click on 'Attach' at the bottom of a page for which you have edit permissions. Once a picture is attached, you can display it in the page:


PDFs and other files work the same way. Do a 'Raw View' on research staff page to see other examples.

Attaching the file will by default make it available in a table at the bottom of the page. That's great if you want to share files, but for embedding pictures in a page, you probably want that table to be hidden. To hide the table entry, select the 'Do not show attachment in table' option when creating the attachment.

More information about file attachments is available here.

Organizing the Breadcrumb

The breadcrumb is at the bottom of the page. This page's breadcrumb looks something like: MITOWIKI Web>HelpIndex>HelpContent. It's both a useful navigation tool and helps to convey the logical structure of the pages. A page's breadcrumb is a recursive display of the page's parents. The parent of this page is HelpContent, which has a parent of HelpIndex. 'MITOWIKI Web' is always the base parent. Set the page parent by clicking 'More topic actions'.


MITOWeb is divided into a number of sections (aka Webs in the Foswiki software), each of whose content is managed separately. Some older website sections have essentially static content which is viewable, but not editable, by default. Research sections (e.g. MITOMAP and MITOMASTER) have similar default permissions, but with some additional view restrictions on some pages. MITOWIKI is a research resource and open forum that allows any registered user to create pages. Unlike the other sections, pages created in MITOWIKI are editable by all other registered users by default, so permission directives must be added to the page if additional restrictions are desired.

Default settings for a section may be overridden at the page level by adding a directive in the page. For example, let's say I've created a page on MITOWIKI and want to prevent anyone else from modifying the page:

  * Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.MartyBrandon

Add the lines exactly as they are written, including three spaces before the asterisk.

I could do something similar if I want to allow changes only by my colleagues who all belong to the same wiki group:

   * Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.CMEMEverybodyGroup

To restrict the viewing of content (also restricts editing):

  * Set ALLOWTOPICVIEW = Main.CMEMEverybodyGroup

Note that in this example, I also enclosed the directive in
to make it invisible in the page.

Any group or user name can be used in a permissions directive. There are actually three 'allow' directives (ALLOWTOPICVIEW, ALLOWTOPICCHANGE, ALLOWTOPICRENAME) and three 'deny' directives (DENYTOPICVIEW, DENYTOPICCHANGE, DENYTOPICRENAME), and they can be used in combination.

Revision Control

MITOWeb keeps track of previous versions of a page. You can see a breadcrumb of these revisions at the bottom of the page next to History. Click on one of the revision links to view it. Under 'More topic actions' there is a 'Restore topic to revision' option that can be used to revert the page to an earlier version. When editing a page, to ensure a new version is stored in the revision system, check the 'Force new revision' box under the 'Save' button.

Miscellaneous Tips

Prevent WikiWord linking

Normally, if you type a wiki word, you'll get an automatic page link. This is a feature of the wiki software, but not always desired. To prevent the autolink, just add an ! in front of the word, so that WikiWord becomes just a regular word (use 'Raw View' to see the ! in front). An alternative is to bound the text with noautolink tags:

<noautolink>Your text here.</noautolink>

That works well for large sections of text.

Hiding Text

Sometimes you may want to make content invisible to the web browser without deleting it, such as adding hidden comments to a page. This is easily done in the same manner as HTML. Here's an example:

<!-- My hidden comment. -->

Topic revision: r1 - 12 Feb 2016, MarieLott

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