Project - MITOWIKI
These notes relate to one of Marty Brandon's research projects. I am posting the ideas and development notes related to this project in the hope that it will stimulate and aid related research, result in useful feedback, or lead to fruitful collaborations. Please email your comments.
MITOWIKI is a component of
CMEM Web to aid in sharing and exchanging information.
21 Oct 2009
Revamped MITOWIKI on the new server. Recent changes, filtered for system-level content that is not of interest to normal users, is automatically posted to the front page. Probably, the page will stay filled with the changes I make to my own project pages, but perhaps this will stimulate contribution from others. A web atom feed was also configured. Rss is available too, but not shown in the tool bar. These feeds are likewise enabled for the other webs, but not shown in the toolbar since, with the exception of MITOMAP, those feeds are unlikely to be interesting. Also added a CMEM Staff navigation element.
21 Oct 2009
Still struggling to define the exact mission of MITOWIKI. It seems useful, but how to make the most useful implementation? For now, it serves some basic internal lab needs, such as posting protocols or calendars, with an open invitation to registered users to contribute content. I am experimenting with it as a web-based lab notebook, which, though overwhelming at first, is proving to be quite convenient.