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3 patient data entries in database for mutations A467T and R574W.

allele 1allele 2
Clinical representationSymptomsAge groupAge of onsetAge of patientAge of deathReference
Alpers. Alive at 10 years. Sister died at age 27.
-Alpers syndrome
-developmental delay
310n/aSpinazzola et al, 2009;

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The girl was healthy and developed normally until one year of age when, during a mild respiratory infection, she had repeated multifocal partial seizures with clonic jerking and unconsciousness. The episode was later followed by the development of muscular hypotonia and of myoclonus. Mild psychomotor regression, ataxia, and slightly elevated serum transaminases were noticed. At 3 years of age, a mild infection provoked a prolonged status epilepticus, which lasted 3 weeks and included stroke-like features and rightsided hemiparesis. This was followed by a progressive deterioration of cognitive and motor functions and the development of ptosis and external ophthalmoplegia. Alpers. Febrile infections provoked repetitive status epilepticus with seizures in the form of migrating epilepsia partialis continua. mtDNA Deletions.
-status epilepticus
-myoclonic seizures
-epilepsia partialis
-movement disorder (ataxia)
-external ophthalmoplegia
-Alpers syndrome
-developmental delay
11.54.333Kollberg et al, 2006;

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mtDNA Deletions. She was healthy until 7 months of age when she, in association with pyelonephritis, had onset of myoclonic seizures and weakness of the left arm and leg. leftsided myoclonic seizures progressing to status epilepticus in the form of migrating EPC and unconsciousness. pneumonia and colitis.
-status epilepticus
-myoclonic seizures
0.58311.166Kollberg et al, 2006;

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1-5 pathogenic cluster assignment of mutations. Mutations displayed without a superscript number are outside of the assigned pathogenic clusters. See cluster definitions for details.

Number of displayed patient cases: 3
Avg age of onset in displayed cases: 1.5
Std dev in onset in displayed cases: 1.1

Search criteria for patient entries:
Mutations Entry IDs Clusters Reference Residue range
Allele 1:Allele 2:
Separate multiple mutations with commas.
Use "PNF" for non-missense mutations.
Match: Inclusive Exact
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