Backlinks to MitoSeqs in MITOMAP Web (Search all webs)

Results from MITOMAP web retrieved at 08:50 (GMT)

Reanalysis of the Cambridge reference sequence by resequencing the original placental mtDNA sample Table from Andrews etal (1999), with permission of the authors....
.error { color:red; background color: #FFFF00; } .rare { color:green; background color: #FFFF00; } Revised Cambridge Reference Sequence (rCRS) ...
.error { color:red; background color: #FFFF00; font weight:bold; } .rare { color:green; background color: #FFFF00; font weight:bold; } ...
Complete Mitochondrial DNA Sequences The revised Cambridge Reference Sequence (rCRS) is GenBank number NC_012920. Please use this new number when citing the rCRS ...
MITOBANKMitochondrial DNA Sequences To submit unpublished mtDNA variant data to an online database, please contact lishen #64; at MSeqDR. To submit se...
MITOMAP A human mitochondrial genome database A compendium of polymorphisms and mutations of the human mitochondrial DNA The role of MITOMAP is to report...
The Most Common Variants in Mitomap (Frequency 5%) Mitomap currently has over 10,000 mtDNA variants in its set of 32,059 GenBank sequences. Shown below are the 9...
MITOMAP A human mitochondrial genome database A compendium of polymorphisms and mutations in human mitochondrial DNA MITOMAP reports published data on human mito...
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