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A human mitochondrial genome database

A compendium of polymorphisms and mutations in human mitochondrial DNA
MITOMAP reports published data on human mitochondrial DNA variation. If you would like to add a paper and its data into MITOMAP, please email a pdf to We appreciate your help.
Science Cover

2024 GenBank Sequence Update #1: On January 16, 2024 we added 566 new full-length (FL) and 830 new control region (CR) GenBank sequences to our database. However, we also increased the stringency of our filters and removed 600 FL sequences due to excessive Ns. This brings our total number of FL sequences to 61,134 and the number of CR sequences to 81,124. Our SNVs now total 19,751. We update our GenBank sequences every 4-6 months. Hand curation of variants and references continues weekly. See the GenBank Frequency Info page for details about our current sequence sets.

PICK We have starred our user Favorites for seeking information on specific variants and for understanding the contents of our database.

MITOMAP Quick Reference & Tools

PICK Allele Search - get point mutation data based on position

PICK MITOMASTER - analyze any human mito SNV or nucleotide sequence

PICK Tool Launchpad

led-gray The rCRS is GenBank number NC_012920.1. Click here for details.

General References Illustrations:
The Annotated Human Mitochondrial DNA Sequence View Figures
The rCRS & other mtDNAs..... PICK GenBank Frequency Info -Mitochondrial DNA Map
Amino Acid Translation Tables ...... MitoTIP tRNA Scoring -Eleven pathological mutations in tRNA
Mitochondrial References, ALL ... • A-L only ... • M-Z only -Mitochondrial energetics
PICK Haplogroup Markers...... PICK Most Common Variants -Diabetes metabolism & the mitochondria
High Frequency Haplogroups....Mitobank -World migrations
mtDNA Polypeptide Assignments -mtDNA Trees
mtDNA Function Locations (Gene Loci) Simple mtDNA Tree: Europe, Asia, Africa
Archived Reports:
... Mitochondrial Human Genome Report
... Common Continent-Specific mtDNA Variants, c.1995
... mtDNA RFLPs:... High Resolution... Low Resolution
General Variants (includes mini insertions & deletions) Other databases & tools:
PICK Control Region Variants (16024-576) UPDATED PhyloTree Markers ... PhyloTree (original) ... HaploGrep ... MSeqDR ... AmtDB
PICK Coding & RNA Variants (577-16023, MTTF-MTTP) HmtDB...PON tRNA... MitImpact... HmtVar
Somatic Mutations MitoTool ... HvrBase++ ... GiiB-JST mtSNP ... mtDNA-Server
Collection of Submitted Variant Reports EMPOP CR... Mitosearch... MitoMiner ... MitoWheel ...
Other Useful Mito Links on the Web POLG Pathogenicity Server ...POLG @NIEHS ... MitoBreak... MitoAge
Mamit-tRNA/mitotRNAdb... MitoFit... Aminoacyl tRNA Synthetases
Disease Mutations (reports of possible disease-associations)
Organized by mtDNA location:
PICK rRNA/tRNA Mutations, all         View RNA Mutations with Cfrm Status
PICK Coding & Non-Coding/Control Region Mutations, all         View Coding/Noncoding Mutations with Cfrm Status
PICK View ALL Disease Mutations with Cfrm Status
Organized by phenotype:
rRNA/tRNA Mutations
Coding & Control Region Mutations
LHON Mutations
Major Rearrangements
MtDNA Deletions
Multiple mtDNA Deletions Within Individuals
MtDNA Inversions
MtDNA Simple Insertions
MtDNA Complex Rearrangements
Nuclear Genes Involved in Mitochondrial Disease
Structural Nuclear Genes in Mitochondrial Disease
Non-Structural Nuclear Genes in Mitochondrial Disease
Mitochondrial Pseudogenes
How to Cite MITOMAP & Submit Publications
How to cite MITOMAP & Terms of Use
Submitting articles: If you would like to submit published articles to be included in mitomap, please send the citation & a pdf to (please put the word "Mitomap" in the subject line)
Support and Advocacy
United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation Miracles for Mito
About Mitochondrial Disease - Mitoaction's FAQ Audio Podcasts on iTunes- Mitoaction Mitochondrial Research Guild
Mito Hope and Help MitoCanada
Mitochondrial Care Network North American Mitochondrial Disease Consortium (NAMDC)
Mito-EpiGen Program
The Human Family Tree:10 Adams and 18 Eves Mitochondria Interest Group Video Casts

Mitochondrial DNA Map

Map of the Human Mitochondrial DNA

~☆~ Celebrating years! ~☆~
Mitomap has been continuously updated since 1996.

Topic revision: r107 - 11 Oct 2024, UnknownUser

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